Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What Is a Personal Author Profile, and Why Do I Need One?

Personal author profiles offer an interesting and digestible way to distill information about you. Akin to a few scrapbook pages of your life (but in words), profiles help your readers view a cross-section of yourself that inspires intrigue, making them want to find out more. Highly recommended, the author profile describes you as a professional and a person.

A lengthier equivalent to ‘the elevator pitch’, profiles are created to quickly capture and hold a person’s attention, enticing them to read your work in full, thus inviting you into their lives.

Not necessarily ‘selling’ you or your book, this is a tool to let people know what you’re all about, and can be especially helpful when working with new clients, as an introduction to be sent out before speaking engagements, or anywhere you’d like to more subtly promote your cause or platform.

With an Author Profile, you are not singing your own praises, but allowing your Publisher or 'camp' to do it for you. The profile is yours to use in any beneficial way you see fit.
Here are some suggestions:

As a part of your website content 

As an excellent prep tool for interview and networking conversations, taking you to the next step in business and reader relations

Use all or portions of your profile for introductory blog posts

Within posts or emails as a hyperlink, or as a part of your email signature
Post the link to your profile on Linked In, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, etc., or better yet, have others in your ‘camp’ post your profile for you, generating even more activity.

Portions of your profile can be used in cover letters for those interested in having you speak or for organizations that would want to purchase your book in bulk.

Use anywhere you might want to clarify your background, career plans, or the direction in which you would like to go. Your profile gently defines what your goals are in specific terms, giving examples and explaining the ‘why’ behind what you do.

Utilize your profile when those considering you for speaking or bulk book purchase are dealing with a high volume of other applicants. This concise introduction will allow them to feel as if they know you more intimately. Your profile sets you apart from the generic. Your story is what differentiates you from others in your field.

Take full advantage of your profile, using it as a place to subtly and personably promote your cause or platform.

*If you are an author or businessperson, I specialize in profiles, having written for a business magazine for years. Message me here to set up a phone interview.

**You can find these and other random thoughts of mine on Twitter.

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